capCalc - Fleet Valuation
With insight into the current and future value of your fleet and vehicle portfolios, you can avoid the risk of losing money at the point of disposal. Offering instant, accurate and detailed reporting, you get the information you need to make smarter remarketing decisions. Use for fast and efficient trend analysis to maximise profitability.
All the features you need
- Fast – generate instant valuations of your fleet, with future trend and risk analysis
- Real world – current up to date valuation data which reflects actual remarketing experiences
- Comprehensive – accurate reports full of detail and context
- Commercial – plan for potential risk and manage your profit and loss strategy
- Smart – ASCII report output enables capCalc to be integrated into your own business systems
- Trend Analyser gives you instant and detailed insight into historic data analysis to facilitate accurate future forecasts – it’s a vast repository of data that gives you real insight into the long-term trends in vehicle value.
- Thousands of pieces of data available for analysis across car, light commercial and heavy goods vehicles
- Allows Analysis Groups to be defined containing selections of vehicles
- Import your own data sales figures and economic trends
- Easy to use format is powered by our market-leading Black and Red Book, as well as Monitor Future Residual values
- Maximise disposal profitability by assessing alternative remarketing scenarios
- Reduce financial risk by accurately quantifying portfolio losses
- Eliminate errors and improve the depth and quality of reforecasting
- Increase efficiency by accessing easily reproduced historic reports for internal or external auditing purposes
- Maximise asset resale value by informing remarketing teams of market trends
- Minimise business risk by assisting with compliance to Basel III requirements
- Improve portfolio management by quantifying PCP exposure or Voluntary Termination risk
- Increase profitability by supporting core business functions including residual value setting, provisioning, risk assessment, portfolio management and disposal strategy
- Reduce business risk by understanding economic trends and making accurate data forecasts
- Fast trend analysis allows for smarter business decisions and a deeper understanding of the market
- Easy-to-use format saves time and effort
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