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Looking for a Vehicle Valuation or hpi check?

red book: New & Used Monitor (Commercial LCV & HGV)

Access up to seven years (HGV) or five years (LCV) forecast residual values with this essential tool.


All the features you need

  • Forecast values for new and used LCV and HGV’s
  • Forecast values up to 5 years in the future (7 years for HGV)
  • Statistical rigour is combined with editorial expertise
  • Valuations for used vans and trucks adjusted for age and mileage, indexed by manufacturer, model and derivative based on cap Average condition excluding VAT
  • Calculate bespoke mileage and forecast terms
  • Optional SMR data for LCV’s


  • Avoid losing money by learning the future financial risk of a van or truck
  • Highlight the most profitable time for vehicle disposal ensuring you’re never out of pocket
  • Manage your buying and selling decisions with more accuracy and confidence
  • Save time with one single access point to key data rather than multiple Negotiate from a position of strength by having access to full residual value evidence and optional SMR costs (LCV only)

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